Head office closed July 15th–Aug 4th. Emergency number available.Læs mere

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Julehilsen og åbningstider 2020

We summarise the past year and look forward to new opportunities in 2021.

Nobody could expect 2020 to turn out the way it did. The global pandemic affected us all and made us work and socialise in completely new ways.

Despite everything, things have gone well here at IV Produkt. Thanks to a continued strong support from You, our clients and customers, our revenue will increase slightly compared to 2019. Great planning and collaboration between coworkers have made it possible for us to maintain the same pace of production and delivery service as last year. We could also carry out our big expansion of production and office facilities as planned, and a digital opening will take place this spring.

Speaking of digital, we all needed to adapt to a new way of communicating throughout the year. Physical gatherings and tradeshows were cancelled or postponed and replaced by webinars or video conference calls. A big thank you to all of You who have met us online this year. We hope we can see you in person again soon.


Digital events och upcoming grand opening

When we were unable to show our news at the Swedish Nordbygg trade show, we decided to build our stand at our Innovation Center. During a live event called NEWS Online, we shared our news, knowledge and experiences in energy efficient air handling to hundreds of people across Europe.

In February 2021, we will host a digital event including a grand opening of our new production and office facilities. Of course, it will be filled with useful information and knowledge for anybody interested in smart ventilation solutions, energy saving and sustainable investments. As we are curius about your experiences, questions and ideas, we will end the event with a live panel.

Please follow us on our social media to be the first to get more information about our next big event:


New concept for simplified site transportation

During NEWS Online 2020, we launched our new concept Easy Access, that will simplify everyday life for many installers and contractors. With minimal module measurements and simple quick connections, the transportation into the plant room is made easy, even when the passage is narrow.

Experience the concept

Ventilation – a green investment

Ventilation – a green and sustainable investment

In 2020, it became increasingly relevant to highlight the importance of good ventilation. Not least to prevent the spread of infection but also to contribute to the UN's 17 global sustainability goals – Agenda 2030.

When Agenda 2030 was formed, it was based on three dimensions: social, environmental and economic. Many people believe that it is costly to make sustainable choices but the fact is that ventilation is a green investment, which goes hand in hand with both profitability and good health.

Learn more




Opening hours, Christmas 2020

We are closed 23–26 Dec, 31 Dec, 1 Jan and 4–6 Jan.

Emergency phone

Available 23 Dec and 4–5 Jan, 7am–3:30pm 

Controls: +46 470–75 89 00
Service: +46 470–75 89 99



Vi ønsker alle vores kunder, samarbejdspartnere og rådgivende ingeniører en Glædelig Jul og et Godt Nytår!




Vi ønsker alle vores kunder, samarbejdspartnere og rådgivende ingeniører en Glædelig Jul og et Godt Nytår!


Take care of each other


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