Head office closed July 15th–Aug 4th. Emergency number available.Læs mere

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Thus far, 2020 has been an unusual year and the current situation in the world has made an impact on all of us.


During March, we gave you an update on our company and its current state, which was good considering the situation. We were well prepared and had a good level of material supply thanks to a large stock of raw materials. However, we had our concerns; trade shows were either moved or cancelled and we had to cancel our trainings and customer visits. How was this going to end?

Tilgængelighed, sommer 2020

Henover sommeren kan du skrive til christine [at] ivprodukt.dk eller ringe på mobil 40 88 48 01.

Service: bjarne [at] sogrenaps.dk har ferie uge 29–31.
Salg: peter [at] ivprodukt.dk har ferie uge 29–31.
Salg: jes [at] ivprodukt.dk har ferie uge 30–32.


Thanks to great commitment, close collaborations and an urge to push our company forward, were we able to adjust to a digital way of working, despite the current situation.

When we were unable to show our news at the Swedish Nordbygg trade show, we decided to build our stand at our Innovation Center. During a live event called NEWS Online, we shared our news, knowledge and experiences in energy efficient air handling to hundreds of people across Europe.


During NEWS Online, we launched our new concept Easy Access, that will simplify everyday life for many installers and contractors. With minimal module measurements and simple quick connections, the transportation into the plant room is made easy, even when the passage is narrow.


Together, we managed to handle the new situation and turn it into something positive. We will carry these experiences of forward thinking with us into the future.

As a part of our optimistic view for the future, we are currently adding another 5,500 sqm of production, warehouse and office space. This is expected to be ready at the turn of the year.

IV Produkt extension 2020

We operate in an industry for the future, where energy savings and a good indoor climate will be important elements, contributing to a sustainable environment. This is why we dare to invest in the future.

We wish you a happy summer! See you in the autumn.


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